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Felix Kutsadnezie's A Call to Think and Learn is the first published collection of
short stories by this new author, bring about a new perspective in daily events
and our surroundings.

Available on in paper and e-book (Kindle) formats. Order it
Felix Kutsadnezie's The World's Powerful Words is the first published collection of
short stories by this new author, bring about a new perspective in daily events
and our surroundings.

Available on in paper and e-book (Kindle) formats. Order it
Dennis Mouton's The Everything Factor, available on Amazon.

If the answers to all of life’s mysteries were at your fingertips, would you want
to know them?
Like any of us, Jepsen Cross has a regular life, filled with work, family and good and
bad times. Following his divorce, and while putting his life back together, he unwittingly becomes ensnarled
in the mystery surrounding a mysterious and ancient box. As the legend goes, the world will continue as it
always has if the box is left undisturbed. However, if it is opened, then every question that anyone has ever
pondered would be answered, instantly. These range from the simple, such as, why did I have to get every
red light on the way to work  and why did that kid hate me in grade three, to the profound, like, what is fate’s
plan for my life and is there God. As he searches through the lore surrounding the fabled Everything Factor,
and its secrets, Jepsen gets drawn into the middle of an age-old, secret war that is being waged between
two clandestine groups. Each group has power and money. They operate below the radar of everyday
society. One seeks to protect the factor, believing its knowledge is too vast for our world. The other seeks to
share it with the masses. There is also a mysterious third group with unclear motives. As Jep deals with
baffling and confounding events, tries to stay alive and travels throughout the world hunting to learn about
himself, these groups, and the factor...the truth of its origins, and his own, will stretch back to the beginning of
time as we know it. He will learn that knowledge is power, and that power corrupts.